
We are a young, international animation studio based in Erfurt, Germany. Our team specialises in conception, development and production of 2D and 3D animation along with 3D Asset/Prop modeling. As an experienced company with a passion for entertainment, we produce modern, open-minded and imaginative animation formats for both TV and web series, along with theatrically released  films and those for television. Our company’s aim is to work with national and international production companies whilst also developing our own formats to inspire and entertain kids, young adults and families alike.


As a modern and internationally diverse team, we value openess, flexibility, diversity, transparency, respect and good partnership. We aim to produce work sustainably and in an environmentally friendly manner. We set ourselves the goal of producing as well as supporting and promoting young talents.


Traumhaus Studios GmbH Erfurt
Erich-Kästner-Str. 1a
99094 Erfurt

T: 0361.511 43 800
F: 0361.511 43 80

Traumhaus Studios office Halle
Mittelstraße 5
06108 Halle

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