The Slumbers

Game and eBook: The Slumbers

Fairytales as we know them are only half the truth. The heroes aren’t Snow White, Rosebuds Prince or the Frog Prince. The slumbers are the Heroes! they are the only ones, that have the ability to fullfill every single wish, in case there is a huge number of them.
But vicious witch Morraga wants to steal the ability and rule the fairytale-world.
And she’s really close to it. But wait, there is Agrapok, the smallest of the Slumbers.
Together with two humans Agrapok tries to fight the witch and her ghosts.
The Slumbers is a hands-on universe where the series, a game and books are connected to a exciting adventure.


  • Status: in development
  • Genre: Animation
  • Format: 13×15 Min.
  • Game and eBook
  • In Cooperation with Pixable Studios
  • supportet by: MDM

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